Top 5 Reasons To Learn Java is Still Worth in 2020

By | July 26, 2020

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages for developing any application across the globe.

There are lots of sectors around you where the java code is implemented. Few of them are banking, financial services.

Below I have listed the most 5 important reasons to Learn Java is Worth in 2020.

1.High Demand of Java Developers in Market
2.Java makes you earn lots of money.
3.Extremely easy to learn in a short span of time.
4.Java is platform-independent.
5. Huge Community Support and Resource.


Let’s begin to understand all the above-mentioned points.

1.High Demand of Java Developers in the Market.

If you look around yourself, Java is everywhere,  it’s on the laptop, desktop and even on your mobile too. 

In fact everywhere so here I have listed down a few sectors where Java has been explicitly used.

  •  Banking:-   Here you can deal with the transactional management.
  • Restaurants:- Whenever you go to a store or a restaurant the billing device you see is completely written in Java.
  • Information Technology: -Here Java is designed to solve implementation dependencies and this is the domain guys that hire most of the Java developers.
  • Scientific and Research: Application used which again deals with huge amounts of data.

Hence, you can see it’s not  limited to just one domain also if you  do the analysis you will see that around 25% of the opening calls for Java skills either alone or in addition to any other programming language.

Also, it is being used by many big giants such as Google, Philips,  Accenture, uber and many more so you can be completely assured that Java is not going out of the market any time .soon.


2. Java makes you earn lots of money.

Java popularity and huge demand will land you with a handsome salary in your bucket.  

Each year many giant companies conduct a survey based on the usage of the programming languages in the industry so the keyword searches are taken from Google, from Yahoo, YouTube and then this index was generated. 


So this index is something which is released every year and if you search on internet you get the popularity of all the programming languages  so there you can see popularities  of Java in this field from early 2000 to the present 2020.


 Hence, this in itself should give you an the idea of how popular Java is and how widely it has been used in the industry now.


Apart from this Java developers are the ones who get the highest salary so in average Java developer earns around 110 K dollars per year, so isn’t this amazing guys so you should definitely learn Java to kickstart your IT career.


3.Extremely easy to learn in a short span of time.

Java is extremely easy, even you can become an expert in a short duration of time, Of Course, it will take some time but it’s very less compare to time spend in learning other programming languages.


Now we all know that it is important that a programming language should be easy to learn so that it is more convenient for everyone to just go ahead and use it.


  What are the reasons that make Java easy?

-> It is concurrent. the fact is concurrent makes it easy to process your data parallelly and that’s one of the major reasons. 

You execute multiple lines of code parallelly which makes Java faster as per the performance aspects.

With the help of multi-threading, you can achieve concurrency.


-> It is open-source  because it  is available for anyone to use also, your JDK or JRE is completely free now everyone out they want to set up their website for free.



And since Java is free one can easily create Java
applications at no cost so Java is one of the most simple as well as the fundamental programming language that
anyone can pick up .

And trust me guys Java is so simple at the same time the possibilities of what you can develop
using Java is endless.



Java is an object-oriented programming language so most popular programming languages like  C++ C sharp Ruby they follow an object-oriented programming paradigm.


Now object-oriented programming is a programming style which is associated with the concepts such as classes, object, inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation
and polymorphism.



So an object-oriented application in Java is based on declaring classes creating objects from them and then interacting between these objects.

Hence Java being object-oriented programming the concepts of Java are highly readable and are much easier.



-> Java is portable and versatile so by portable I mean Java can be used across various platforms and is open-source programming the language it is platform-independent
across operating systems .



So as I’ve already told you guys is the famous tag line that says write once and run anywhere so it tells you to achieve this
functionality as well.



What it means you can run your Java bytecode on any hardware that has a compliant JVM so you can simply write your code or create java application in a Windows environment.



And then run on any other environment let’s say Linux operating the system so everything is possible in Java.

4. Java is platform-independent.

It is a platform-independent so you might have heard  something called WORA which means write ones and run anywhere .


Java totally supports this feature so what does this exactly means, in Java once you’ve written your application youcan run it across any device or any machine that supports a Java environment.


You can run the application on any device such as Android, Windows, Mac, etc.

5. Huge Community Support and Resource.

There are lots of resources available on internet to learn java and many people out there who always willing to help you out, clear your doubt. 


Some of the online platforms as StackOverflow where you can post your queries, there are lots of experts on this platform, they will reach you out and provide solution to your doubt.



Thank You so much for reading this article, I hope you like it and willing to learn Java as soon as possible. If you have any queries, please feel free to ask in comment box below.


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